God knows our needs. Physical,Financial, Emotional, and Spiritual. Basically people would ask God for financial aid, or ask God to help them on their problem emotionally, but it is unusual for an ordinary person to ask God about his spiritual life.
Growing in a Christian Family, I know God. But not that much, though Sunday school is fun stuff, and as I grow up, I made questions on my mind. Entering in a world full of sin, I never realize the sin of indulging yourself on a worldly stuff. High School was a dirty place when you personally don't know God. Churching every Sunday, yet nothing in you is changing is like wasting time. Why go to church and go back on your old ways? Been part of the ministry, proclaiming God on Church, then doing thing that God hates against your friends and classmates, does it makes you a real Christian? Saying that you know God, but then does not know His words, makes us hypocrites!
But what is surprising about God? He never let a girl to fall from the enemy's hands. What if God ask you, What is your Stand? what would you say? I was on my third year level when I came to realize the things that I made, though I proclaim I'm a Christian, I'm a plastic, but God turned me to Him when I was fourth year, leading me to the real God, knowing who He was, who He is, and who He will be! I made a decision to follow Christ, to love God, and to be transformed by His words. It's not that easy, I'm starting a new life, like a baby starving for milk and care. Definitely I need someone that will take care of me, a spiritual parent perhaps.
I became part of a care group, I asked my teacher to help us to have a cell. Then we started, I ask her to teach me, because i don't have one. I need a teacher. I need a mother. Back then I was a baby, all my fourth year level, I plunge my self on focusing unto God, experiencing the real God. But, what comes after goodbye? I need to graduate and leave high school, how about my nourishment? I planned to change my church just to have a mentor, yet God said no. For some reason, God planted me on the church where I grow up and the I also need to help my church. So I stay on the Church where I grow up.
I was not the only one experiencing that "Stagnant Life" of a Christian. A friend of mine on church, we have the same fate. So together with our youth member, we pray and ask God for a leader, a mentor or a pastor to help us! We are longing to grow on God's words! And Just about a month God answered. Yes! We had our youth pastor, Pbr helped us to grow. Discipleship helped us to know God more and more. Little by little God is moving upon our youth ministry, we went to a lot of seminars and convention, that might help us to Love God more and to Serve God more. I learned the importance of devotion, and yes God's words are the weapon to transform us, but sadly some is not deciding to get serious with God. One of the great Pastor and now a Bishop said, "In transformation, in subtraction (some people won't leave their old ways not unless they decide to) there is POWER!"
I laugh at this, but then when It came to the situation, my heart starts to cry, why sudden quit? But there is power! So continue to minister, through joy and through pain. Some of our youth went to have an "Encounter" and it was a life changing stuff. I love God more, I extremely love God. Going back, He said that we should have the "SPIRIT OF ONE MORE ROUND" there are times that we will be disappointed, but don't let this disappointment kills your eagerness to Grow and to share the gospel. Continue to Pray and to Act. Whatever problems may occur, don't ever let the problem to overcome us! We must be the one to overcome it.
Who makes us strong? It is God. Who gives us wisdom and knowledge? It is God. Who loves us so much? It is God. Who is on our side? It is God. Therefore, Stand on God. Jesus is our Rock! We should be standing firmly on the Rock. Never ever give up on the ministry. God appointed leaders to lead us! Our youth on church desire to have one, so therefore, God appointed that person. God is teaching that person and that person teaches us. Jesus let his disciples to Go because they are ready. Now, God uses pastors and leaders to train the army on the battle, within the training, some will quit, some with persevere. Now What is Your stand?
Will follow or go against the one you prayed for. A person who demands a lot are not ready to be transformed by God. Learn to be submissive to God and to His appointed people. Make a stand now!